Now the dust has settled after the excitement of the Harvest 2015 programme, we can sit back and reflect a bit on our season.
Set up for a scene on the new river bank.
It's beenmanic with harvest being three weeks later than normal and we felt slightly under pressure to find fields of oats to harvest from 14th to 16th September when the TV crews were scheduled to come, however for once, the Scottish weather acted in our favour and we got some combining shots on the final day!
Our thanks must go to all the BBC people who were filming here for a few days every month from April onwards, they were all, without exception, fantastic to work with and so understanding. Of course, we wanted everything to go perfectly according to plan but that never works in farming and I think they wanted a "warts and all" type of programme which showed the type of pressures farmers can come under particularly at harvest time.
Gregg and Phillipa discussing Scottish produce
We were certainly pleased with the result and we have had some really good feedback from farming and non-farming folk alike. Many of our non-farming friends found the programme very informative (I think they wondered what we actually did all year!)
We feel it is so important to bring real life farming and an understanding of how food is produced into living rooms across the country and Harvest, Countryfile and Lambing Live are all brilliant productions which do more for agriculture than industry spokesmen and politicians can ever do.
We hope you all enjoyed it too...
The money shot with the drone flying overhead to get that wonderful footage we all saw.